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Community Connections

Below are links and information on community resources to help with health, senior care, food assistance, and many more.  If you need assistance with these resources, feel free to call June in the church office.

Senior Care Resources

Our website provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and care options to the senior community and their family members. With them having a better idea of their options, it allows them the security when they make their choices, like being able to find a place near you.
Click on one of the following to go to for either Davenport, Iowa or all of Iowa Assistance.

Check out the recently published easiest-to-understand guide on the ins and outs of medicare. This free resource highlights coverage, costs, eligibility and enrollment information, along with answers to some frequently asked questions. Please take a look:
We believe this resource would be beneficial for not only seniors, but also their loved ones, to better understand the medicare system., an online resource dedicated to providing the best information to aging adults and the people who care for them.

Many people use blood pressure readings to monitor their health at home, but inaccurate results can lead to serious health issues. To help patients and healthcare providers, we've created a section in our Ultimate Remote Patient Monitoring Guide outlining the best practices for taking at-home blood pressure readings.

Please take a look:

Food Assistance 

  Riverbend Food Bank

Looking for food assistance, volunteer opportunity, or donation information.  Check out the Riverbend Food Bank website to find nearest food pantry and hours, volunteer information, and donation information.  If you need trasportation assistance, contact the church office (563)323-2765.

PUNCH / FBC Community Garden

In the area behind the church off 14th Street and Pershing we have a Community Garden available to anyone who needs fresh vegetables.

Check out this video prepared by St Ambrose Students on the Garden

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